Lots of people have asked what happened to me last week. Well here it is.
Yeah worst 10 days ever.
I thought I had a sore throat on Nov 17. By the afternoon of Nov 22 I was in the hospital. I got out of the hospital late Friday Nov 25 afternoon and home.
The back story. I got a small rug burn on my left elbow around Nov 11 noticed it and more or less forgot about it. Elbows get more wear and tear then you think and it never really healed I would see dots on the sheets in the morning and sometimes it would stick to my shirt if it was long sleeves. Once again never thought much about it, oh it will heal. Monday Nov 14 went riding ATV's in the woods getting into all sorts of mud and water along with being sweaty. Went home showered. Felt a tickle in the back of my throat Weds or Thurs and thought crap getting sore throat. Felt like crap Thursday, Friday just wiped out no energy decreasing appetite. Saturday more of the same chills and fever set it over night. Went to concert that I did not want to miss. Sunday worse fever chills no energy and trouble sleeping. Elbow becoming uncomfortable and swelling sore to the touch red and angry looking. Monday more of everything and worse I could not even drive .
Tuesday worse still, now I'm scared. Called my father to figure out where to go since I had not seen my regular Dr in years since I thought he sucked. Decided on a hospital and we went to the ER. Checked me in and they put me in the room. Started IV's and all that. Just terrible fever and chills no appetite every day. I have never spent a day in the hospital before this, I could not believe how tasteless the food was. Glad the family brought me Thanksgiving leftovers that night
It's called cellulitis https://www.google.com/search?
And of course I got both staph and strep Class A. If it's not taken care of right it can lead to that flesh eating virus stuff. There was a chick at the hospital at the same time as me. She is 31 I'm older than her, she is probably going to lose her arm to this stuff.
I was running antibiotic IV's 24 hours a day while I was there and the taste of that stuff gets in your mouth and everything started tasting burnt
I don't fit the profile for people that get it easily, ie people with diabetes, drug users and the others. So the best guess was with the open elbow wound something I came across in the woods got into it and caused all this shit. I kept telling everyone it was a rug burn and bastards would look at me funny. I told my girlfriend that the next person that looked at me like I was crazy after telling them about the rug burn I was going to make up some crazy story and see if that was better for them.
So now left arm between elbow and wrist is still swollen and sore getting better slowly. Got to go to a clinic for antibiotic treatment for an hour a day for the next two weeks. Get tired and have been having trouble sleeping
Its weird to literately have no memory for the past 10 days except for bits and pieces due to the fever and all.
Anyway that was the past 10 days, the picture above is before going to the hospital. The part that drives me crazy is I want to know for sure how I got this crap and to make sure it never happens again.